Free Erotic Sex Hypnosis Script

Here is the Free Erotic Sex hypnosis script...

All you need to do is add any form of relaxation method that you choose and then record it. You will need to use it without variation, early in the morning after you wake up, and then at night just before you fall asleep.

Repetition is the key to success, and this script will improve your own sexual experience, and you will find a new level of sexual ecstasy.

(For the Females)

When you have sexual relations, you feel relaxed and you reach to a climax. You feel a natural physical attraction toward the opposite sex.

When you have sexual relations, you feel free to do anything. You feel fearless. You feel positive and confident, that you will have an orgasm and you will naturally have an orgasm.

When you have sexual relations with a man, you feel tremendous physical desire for him.

When you feel him penetrate your body, you experience heightened excitement and enjoyment and have multiple orgasm during the entire lovemaking period.

You always find that the touch and the sight of your male companion is exciting and sexually stimulating. Even the slightest physical contact with your love companion cause you to desire sexual relations, and you reach to climax and have multiple orgasms.

Everyday your sexual appetite will be stronger and stronger, and you feel better and better. You find yourself becoming more and more sexually responsive to your love partner by easily becoming aroused and experiencing orgasms.

(For the Males)

When you have sexual relations, you feel relaxed and you achieve erection and ejaculation. You feel a natural physical attraction toward the opposite sex.

When you have sexual relations, you feel free to do anything. You feel fearless. You feel positive and confident, that you will have a firm, lasting erection and have a satisfying ejaculation.

When you have sexual relations with a woman, you have a powerful ejaculation and a complete release of semen from the seminal vessels. When you have sexual relations with a woman, you feel tremendous physical desire for her.

When you penetrate this woman, you have a very stiff, rigid erection. You maintain this erection until the woman has climaxed and only then you have an ejaculation.

When you have physical relations with a woman, you have a very stiff, rigid erection. You feel great pleasure, and its feel good.

You always find that the touch and the sight of a female companion is sexually stimulating. Even the slightest physical contact with a consenting woman, cause you to desire sexual relations, and your penis become firm and erect.

Everyday your sexual appetite will be stronger and stronger, and you feel better and better. You find yourself becoming more and more sexually responsive to your love partner by easily getting and maintaining a rigid erection.

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