The New Way of Self Hypnosis and Relaxation Techniques

Self hypnosis and relaxation is a term that encompasses a number of different techniques designed to reduce stress levels.

Relaxation is a great way to rid the body and mind of any tension that it may be experiencing, and provides a calm and peaceful state of mind.

When it comes to relaxation techniques there are several that I would recommend, as being both easy to use and effective. You may have seen many other techniques but often they end up in increasing stress levels because they are so complex.

Choosing the right relaxation technique for you will ensure that you will be able to perform self hypnosis successfully, and will work well with your self hypnosis session.

Take time to read about the following techniques as it will help you to decide which is the right method for you.

Deep Breathing Relaxation Technique

When it comes to relaxation techniques, deep breathing may be a very simple method, but is also one of the most effective when it comes to self hypnosis and relaxation.

Start by just sitting quietly in what you consider to be a comfortable position, and then close your eyes. Relax all of your muscles, starting from your toes, and move all the way up to your face. As your muscles are relaxed then concentrate on the center of your body. Many people like to focus on the area in their body behind their navel.

As you concentrate start breathing. Initially take a long breath and then just release it. Breathing may be a natural action, but you can make it an effective relaxation tool by thinking about what you are doing. Think about how the air passes through your nose, and flows through your lungs and the center of your body. Then think about how the air leaves your body as you exhale. Follow this progression for ten or more times.

Once you have completed this, change the process. Rather than a continual process, change it so that you take a small pause prior to releasing your breath. Again repeat the process for ten progressions. Then complete the first set of ten breaths again.

Once you have done this deep breathing lie down and rest for a few minutes. You will feel an enormous sense of energy throughout your body, and it is this energy that will blow all of your body and mind's stress away.

This completes the first self hypnosis and relaxation technique.

Music: The Best Relaxation Technique

One of the best methods of relaxing is through the use of music. Music often plays an important role in our lives, and as a profound psychological affect on our minds.

It has long been known that music can be therapeutic, and has often been used as a healing technique. Music can help reduce stress levels, and it is obvious that many people will feel both relaxed and comfortable after listening to music for a while.

Music is one of the most effective ways for producing a deep and healing state of relaxation. As a result music is often used in self hypnosis and relaxation. If you are not in a relaxed state of mind, then choose a piece of music that you like. Make sure though that it is soft music, hard rock tends not to work well when it comes to self hypnosis and relaxation.

Pick a CD, and then get into a comfortable position and loosen your clothing. Once you are comfortable, close your eyes and concentrate on the music that is playing. You should feel the music, focus in on the instruments, and feel how they are playing. Drown yourself in the music, you will know that you are suitably relaxed when you hear only the music, there is nothing else that is impacting upon your mind.

When the music stops, open your eyes, and relaxation as it flows through your whole body. Your mind will be in a totally peaceful state.

Brain Scan Relaxation Technique

This self hypnosis and relaxation technique is a very different method when it is compared to the two previous techniques.

Start by relaxing your body, and ensure that you are sitting comfortably. Then put both thumbs onto your forehead, and take a long breath in. Then breathe out, and at the same time you need to move your thumbs apart. The action should look like you are scanning your brain with your thumbs. Your hands should then move downwards, and then undertake a throwing motion with the two hands, just as if you were throwing something away. In this case you are throwing all of your tensions away.

This action should be repeated ten times.

After you have undertaken the Brain Scan Relaxation Technique you should then take a few minutes to rest.

Now release it and the same time, start making your both thumbs apart from each other to the opposite directions as if, you were scanning your brain with both thumbs and continue it with taking your hands downwards and then throw it, as you are throwing your tensions away from you. Do it ten times. Then take rest for some moments.

Gaze Relaxation Technique

This self hypnosis and gaze relaxation technique is designed around you staring at an individual point or specific object. It does though only work when you stare for long enough for your eyes to start to water.

To be able to undertake this technique effectively you will need to find a small and empty room. A bare room is much better than a cluttered room, as the clutter will be distracting when you come to trying to focus on an individual point.

The focus point is also essential; many people like to focus on an object like a pendant or watch. Although some of the best results have come from focusing on the flame of a candle in a dark room. The darkness in the room certainly makes it a lot easier to focus on the candle, as you are unable to view other distractions.

The Gaze technique is a great method in improving your ability to focus, leading to the ability to relax your mind. It is also one of the quickest methods when it comes to achieving a state of deep relaxation. You should though take time after completing the technique to rest and close your eyes for a short period.

All of the techniques that I have described will not work unless you are committed to getting into a state of deep relaxation. You must leave all of your tensions and worries behind; otherwise you will have to forget about self hypnosis and relaxation.

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